Thursday, July 10, 2014

The State of Indiana has a long history of corruption and  discrimination.  Although many of its residents are decent folks, there is a long pattern of poor leadership in the State leading to its being the headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan:

... and recently, Governor Mike Pence's "religious freedom" bill:

Indiana State University has done a great job of burying the past.  They have recently named their new performing arts hall after former university president Richard Landini, despite his questionable history.

Landini set the culture of college when he sanctioned illegal wiretaps and home break-ins.  That was just the tip of the iceberg.  This university engaged in a tremendous amount of illegal and unethical activities including the falsification of employment records, loyalty oaths, racism, blacklisting of faculty who filed grievances and much more.

Despite winning the lawsuit, the Neff family never received payment mandated by the court from Indiana State University.  I.S.U. also launched Judy Hample, a right wing college administrator who sold herself as a union-busting chancellor, before destroying her own career:

Of course, Terre Haute was a haven for the Chicago Mob for more than 50 years.  

"on the surface Terre Haute, is a quiet city of 82,000 devoted to commerce and banking. But below the surface - barely below - it is a thriving cesspool of unabashed vice. While in recent years it has made such concession to respectability as to insist that its 12 brothels take down their neon signs, Terre Haute has been known for the past 50 years as a place you can get anything you want for a price. It was probably Terre Haute's rubbery civic conscience, plus the fact that it lies beyond the control of underworld gambling bosses that made it so attractive." - Life Magazine, 9/1/1958

See articles:

Have things changed there and at ISU?  Denying the past is certainly not an indication of that.

If you have a similar I.S.U. experience to share, please send an email at the bottom of the blog.  If you would like to express your opinion about the whitewashing of ISU's history, consider emailing the following:

ISU President Daniel Bradley -

Indiana Attoney General -

ISU doesn't give contact info for their Board of Trustees, but here are their names.

RON D. CARPENTER, President, Indianapolis
MICHAEL J. ALLEY, Vice President, Carmel
RANDALL K.MINAS, Secretary, Crown Point
NORMAN L. LOWERY, Assistant Secretary, Terre Haute
TANYA R. BELL, Brownsburg
EDWARD A. PEASE, Terre Haute
GEORGE E. PILLOW, Indianapolis

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